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We bring a fresh perspective to our clients and design solutions tailored to their unique situtations. OHMC and clients work closely together during every assignment phase to ensure the right outcome. 

Align Your Organization with its Goals 

OHMC helps organizations align organizational capacity to achieve strategic goals. We review how well the strategic direction is converted into operational plans and actions and, if needed, facilitate the introduction of improvements.
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Help Your Organization Adapt to Change

OHMC helps organizations manage and adapt to change. We act as change advisor and co-leaders.
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Select the Right People

OHMC helps organizations select top executives. We assess candidates for senior positions and prepare interviewers for their roles.
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Foster High Achieving Leaders & Teams

OHMC helps organizations develop leader-managers and teams. We design and deliver needs-based training programs for individuals and groups.
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Increase Board Effectiveness

OHMC helps an organization's board of directors identify, build and use its strengths. We improve working relationships among board members and with CEOs.  
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Ask us about our diagnostic services to help you identify priority needs.